Accommodation page on website
Accommodation handbook
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Welcome to the Accommodation Portal for Darwin College Students for 2024/25 bookings

Choosing where you're going to live is an exciting part of coming to Cambridge to study. Darwin College tries to offer accommodation to all our new students in their first year, and most students will be able to live in College accommodation for all years of their studies. If you would like to apply for accommodation, you will need to complete an online application via this portal.

This Portal will allow you to communicate your preferences to us, and then check and sign your documents once your room has been allocated.

The portal will open for students joining the College in Michaelmas 2024 on the 1st January 2024 and you may submit your application any time thereafter, and up until 30th June 2023. Any applications after this date will be dealt with on a first-come first-served basis by the Accommodation office and should be addressed to them directly by email.

Availability of rooms is always extremenly limited at this time of year, so whilst we will do our best to offer you accommodation, we cannot guarantee to provide you with a room.

The portal will open for students joining the College in Lent 2024 on the 1st August 2023 and you may submit your application any time thereafter, and up until 30th November 2023. Any applications after this date will be dealt with on a first-come first-served basis by the Accommodation office and should be addressed to them directly by email. We would recommend that prior to completing the application you spend time reviewing the information on our web-site:

You will be notified by email once your room has been allocated, and you will be invited to sign your contract online.

If anyone has queries, or wishes to discuss anything further then please email Mrs Sue Beckwith our Accommodation Manager in the first instance:

You will only be able to login to this Portal if you have confirmed an offer by Darwin College.